Corporate Worship
Sunday Corporate Worship 10am for the Entire Family
Unity offers a worship experience for the entire family each Sunday morning. Children's Church and Nursery are available. Additionally, the 4th Sunday of each month, Youth Pastors, Mike and Teri Deike break off into the social hall for a small group worship experience geared toward teens.
Small Groups on Wednesday Night Wednesdays at 7 pm
Wednesday night allows for the family to break out into sessions based on their age group. Adults meet in the sanctuary for worship and the word. Mike and Teri Deike, along with group leaders Alex and Christen Harris, lead the teens in the gym to discuss topics that are relevant to living as a teenager in today's society. Additionally, students attend class based on their age group led by teachers Julie Henderson, Kendra Howard, and Donita Overholt. A dance/praise class is also offered for your littles that are interested in drama before service.
Prayer Meeting
Church Prayer TIme on Monday at 6 pm
Each Monday night of the week, a prayer service is hosted by Pastor Calvin Anderson. In this prayer service, specific needs are mentioned, and everyone disperses within the sanctuary for a time of anointed worship with Hagan Anderson, followed by independent prayer time.
Ladies Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 10:30 am
Ladies join in the sanctuary each Wednesday morning for a time of prayer. This prayer meeting is led by the elder ladies if the church, leading by example to petition the needs of the people to their Father.
Midweek Services
Wednesday Night Worship and the Word 7 pm
Midweek services offer an opportunity to connect with your peers. These small groups split into a youth program, children's classes, and a sanctuary service for adults.